The UC Davis Center for Water-Energy Efficiency (CWEE) invites strategically minded stakeholders and leaders to join our efforts to address the water-energy-climate nexus by advancing water management solutions.
Our affiliate members are integral in advancing our mission and translating research into practice. CWEE encourages affiliate members to be active participants in our research program and help us prioritize research efforts that align with pressing concerns important to their organization, industry, and beyond. Members benefit from the integrated solutions and research insights developed from their sponsorship.
Affiliate member benefits include access to industry experts at CWEE, updates and insights from current research, and the advancement of shared research interest into real world application. Affiliates help direct key focus areas in CWEE research initiatives that aim to advance research or policy in critical topic areas. Affiliates also receive access to the tools and resources that come out of our research and have access to our campus and external networks.
Affiliate Benefits
Industry Advice
Our researchers and faculty have in-depth knowledge of the water and water-energy landscape as experts in their field. Affiliate members may request one-on-one meetings to discuss current and emerging research, newly published research findings, and other insights unique to their organization. Key expert advising and research areas include:
-Water system energy efficiency, intensity, and load shifting
-Water & energy data systems, data architecture, and integration
-Evaluation of efficiency programs
-Hydraulic model calibration and use
-Water loss control and more
Advance Research Initiatives
Initiatives are critical topics required to advance research or policy. CWEE can perform basic research to advise the state/sector or to gain the proof of concept needed to seek greater impact through grant funding. Current research initiatives include:
-Water loss Control (leak Loss, pressure management, etc.)
-Water system energy resiliency
-Energy & GHG emission funding for the water sector
-Advancing energy and water rate structures
-Addressing the water-energy-climate nexus
Members will help direct the Initiatives based on topics of interest and critical need.
Collaborate on Projects
Affiliates have opportunities to partner on proposed grants and projects, where our experienced proposal team and our academic reputation often result in awarded programs.
Access to Our Network
Affiliates have many opportunities to engage on critical topics with the CWEE professional network, including affiliated UC Davis energy efficiency research centers and introductions to other industry leaders.
Technology Assessments
-Attend or present at technology showcases aimed to help utilities streamline vetting and adoption of new water and water-energy efficiency solutions.
-Technology affiliates receive an academic review and confirmation of tech potential, and invitations to present at our technology showcases.
Additional Benefits
-Seat on our Steering Committee
-Webinar and other event invites
-Logo recognition on our website
-Access to new resources and tools produced by research
Requested Annual Membership
Our membership fee is assessed individually based on utility or company size. Please contact
Tori Yashinski for more information, vsyashinski@ucdavis.edu
For more information, contact:
Tori Yashinski Associate Director of External Relations Energy and Efficiency Institute UCDavis 530-752-6548 vsyashinski@ucdavis.edu |